Join Us

Our higher education commitment partners comprise a broad and diverse array of colleges and universities. By joining, you will help demonstrate higher education’s wide-reaching dedication to international student success. 

We recognize that globally mobile students have choices when it comes to deciding where to study, live, and work. Building on the commitment of the U.S. government, higher education sector, and business community, the Coalition seeks to support initiatives to welcome and retain international talent in an increasingly competitive global market. 

The Coalition aims to increase and diversify international student enrollment and post-graduation pathways across all U.S. states and territories. The Coalition is committed to including a broad range of higher education institutions – including private colleges and universities, flagship institutions, community colleges, historically Black colleges, and minority-serving institutions – and to supporting all colleges and universities in their efforts to achieve these goals.

Higher Education Signatories* to the U.S. for Success Coalition Pledge:

In joining as a signatory, institutions express their commitment to supporting policies, initiatives, and actions that attract a diverse pool of international students to the U.S. and that promote their success on campus and after graduation.

In pursuit of our shared goals, Signatories agree to:

  1. Commit to enhancing collaboration with campus partners to forge a coordinated approach to increasing and diversifying international student enrollment.

  2. Advocate for responsible internationalization within Signatory’s own institution and with other actors within their sphere of influence, including elected officials.

  3. Prioritize diversifying and increasing the number of international students within Signatory’s student recruitment and retention strategy;

  4. Embed goals of increasing and diversifying international student enrollment and success in the institution’s strategic or enrollment and retention plans.

  5. Commit to student success through initiatives/actions and ensure responsible and ethical practices in international student recruitment.

  6. Commit to supporting international students in their post-graduation pathways.

  7. Promote Signatory’s commitment to the mission of the Coalition.

    *“Signatory” refers to SEVIS-certified institutions of higher education whose leaders and/or decision-makers have signed and committed to the Coalition’s goals and the priorities enumerated above.

To sign the pledge, fill out the form below: